
Hello, my name is Mayka and here I leave my work of Alicia de Larrocha  https://www.canva.com/design/DAFZhkskiMI/qdCZP_ougoxMXV99w5FjYA/edit

100th anniversary of the birth of Alicia de Larrocha

  https://view.genial.ly/63daaf9a89f42600120b8346/guide-alicia-de-larrocha -Made by Claudia Azuaga

Mauri is here!

Here you can navigate to a presentation about me, to discover something more about myself !  https://www.canva.com/design/DAFQKRQHypE/HJ2GmiYHVo_R51rmkbYduA/edit?utm_content=DAFQKRQHypE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

Claudia Azuaga😁

Hello! I am Claudia Azuaga, a clarinet student at the Manuel Carra Conservatory and you can see my presentation at the following link.  I hope you like it, regards :) https://www.canva.com/design/DAFSyoO2rz8/rB7RDyWKXVkSahmh4LZv4Q/edit?utm_content=DAFSyoO2rz8&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

I am Germán

I am Germán Ruiz, a student from the Professional Conservatory Manuel Carra. I play the viola since I was 8 years old and this is my tenth year. Here I leave you a presentation of myself:   Presentation in Canva

Ivan's Presentation

 Hello my name is Iván, I am a student of the Manuel Carra Music School. We are doing an international project working with an italian school, so in order to introduce myself to them I will share with you all a brief presentation of myself. https://view.genial.ly/635036d1826bb8001834e381/game-breakout-copia-etwinning Hope you like it!!!